The European Master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM) offers you the possibility to study a master in a topic of high impact and in which well trained professionals are highly demanded. Theoretical simulations are nowadays needed in all branches of Chemistry and Molecular Physics. Their range of applications include the design of new drugs in the Pharmaceutical Industry, new materials and nanodevices in Applied Physics or the prediction of the properties and reactivity of the new chemical compounds needed in the Chemical Industry.
The TCCM master will teach you the fundamental of Quantum Chemistry, which is at the core of most accurate techniques in Theoretical Chemistry, but will also provide you with the necessary skill to use and modify the most advanced software codes used to perform simulations of real systems. You will also learn to simulate complex systems by combining techniques based in Quantum Mechanics with classical Molecular Dynamics techniques.
The TCCM master programme involves a large consortium formed by some of the most prestigious universities worldwide. The common study plan is organized in a wide number of activities and courses and will imply mobility and to study in an international and friendly atmosphere. The best experts worldwide are involved as lecturers in the courses and the participation in the consortium of the largest supercomputer centers in Europe will put you in contact with the most advanced computational techniques, including massive parallel computers and quantum computers.
The TCCM Master offers finance possibilities through grants funded from the participating institutions and from the European Union in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus programme. Well-funded grants including a monthly salary, registration fees and mobility to participate in the different courses are available for European and non-European students.
The Erasmus Mundus Master
The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM) is a high-level integrated international…..
There are two types of scholarships depending on the country of origin: Partner Country and Programme Country. …..